Surface Your GreatnessĀ®

with Dr. Angela Dash

Coaching is an opportunity to discover and surface your greatness. It is an opportunity to be illuminated through a process just for you.

1:1 Sponsored Leadership Coaching

Wherever you are in your leadership journey, the opportunity to gain new insights and to practice new behaviors, is always now.

Here's an example of what a sponsored leadership coaching engagement could entail:

  • Explore with Participant, in an introductory meeting, their understanding of a coaching partnership as well as their aspirations and vision for themselves, and their felt opportunities for learning and growth
  • Kick-off session with Sponsoring Employer (i.e. Participant’s Manager and/or Talent Management) and Participant prior to the beginning of the coaching engagement to discuss and agree on coaching relationship, process, plans and overall coaching goals, including guidelines and specific parameters regarding confidentiality and logistics
  • Qualitative interviewing of Participant's manager as well as a sample of their direct reports, peers, and internal clients. Analyze results and distill themes into a confidential and anonymized feedback summary
  • Facilitation of a strengths survey which will highlight, through an in-depth report, Participant’s character strengths, thus providing awareness of their core capacities - helping them to actualize their interests, passions, talents and skills with enthusiasm and resilience
  • Support Participant’s learning and growth by partnering with them to develop a learning plan for the overall goals for the coaching engagement
  • 12 coaching sessions (2 x 60-minute sessions per month) to be held virtually over the course of a six-month coaching engagement to facilitate Participant's learning and growth
  • Midpoint review with Sponsoring Employer to get feedback on Participant’s learning and growth and to understand any relevant emerging organizational issues that will be helpful to consider in Participant’s continued coaching engagement and learning plan
  • Debriefing session with Participant at the end of the engagement, to reflect on Participant’s overall learning and development and to explore next steps


My Coaching Approach

As a leader, practitioner, business owner, and a mother of two adult children, I can relate to wanting to transform how I live, lead, and engage – to better show up in life for myself and others. I have earned both professional and general life experiences that make me richly aware of the types of experiential pains and desired gains held by those I serve. I can also testify to the richness that coaching has brought to my own professional and personal life – helping me to gain the deepened awareness and confidence that I need to continue to grow and successfully act on goals that I had once believed were remote.ā€‹

I have a genuine compassion for my clients. I take care in co-creating a process to support them in exploring and achieving their goals. At my core, I relate to people without judgment and see individuals for their innate greatness. I am on a mission of helping others to grow, glow and work through. I am on a mission of helping others to discover and surface their greatness! Finally, I am on a mission of helping people learn, grow and change the world!



90 Day Surface Your Greatness® Group Coaching Program

Life is hard. Let's make it easier. When we discover and cultivate our unique greatness, we are our happiest and and most fulfilled. This 90 day group coaching program will consist of a small cohort of individuals who all have an intense desire to get out of their way so they can move from stuck to the heartfelt fulfillment that we all deserve.


Frequently Asked Questions

A professional coach is one who partners with a client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the individual to maximize their personal and/or professional potential. Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals. An individual or team might choose to work with a professional coach for many reasons, including, but not limited to the following:
  • Something urgent, compelling or exciting is at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity)
  • Recognized opportunity to increase social and emotional intelligence
  • A gap exists in knowledge, skills, confidence or resources
  • A desire to accelerate results
  • A lack of clarity with choices to be made
  • Success has started to become problematic
  • Work and life are out of balance, creating unwanted consequences
  • Core strengths need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them
  • A team that wishes to improve how they work together towards strategic objectives

Coaching begins with a discovery session to assess the individual's current opportunities and challenges, define the scope of the relationship, identify priorities for action and establish specific desired outcomes. Subsequent coaching sessions may be conducted in person or via telephone or video call, with each session lasting a previously established length of time. Between scheduled coaching sessions, the individual will complete specific actions that support the achievement of one's personally prioritized goals. A coach may offer additional resources in the form of relevant articles, checklists, assessments or models to support the individual's or business’ thinking and actions. The duration of the coaching relationship varies depending on needs and preferences.

Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on resolving difficulties arising from the past that hamper an individual's emotional functioning in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways. Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes. These outcomes are linked to personal or professional success. Coaching is future focused. While positive feelings/emotions may be a natural outcome of coaching, the primary focus is on creating actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in one's work or personal life. The emphases in a coaching relationship are on action, accountability, and follow through.

Training programs are based on objectives set out by the trainer or instructor. Though objectives are clarified in the coaching process, they are set by the individual or team being coached, with guidance provided by the coach. Training also assumes a linear learning path that coincides with an established curriculum. Coaching is less linear without a set curriculum.

While consulting approaches vary widely, the assumption is the consultant will diagnose problems and prescribe, and sometimes, implement solutions. With coaching, the assumption is that individuals or teams are capable of generating their own solutions, with the coach supplying supportive and challenging, discovery-based approaches and frameworks.

A mentor is an expert who provides wisdom and guidance based on his or her own experience. Mentoring may include advising, counseling and coaching. The coaching process is a partnership that relies not on advising, but on skillfully evoking the individual's own wisdom and clarity.

Yes, I am a certified coach. I hold a PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credential through the International Coach ingFederation (ICF) which is considered the "gold standard" for coach certification. I strive to represent the highest quality of professional coaching by committing to the ICF Core Values of integrity, respect, excellence and collaboration and the International Coaching Federation's ("ICF") Standards of Ethical Conduct which includes maintaining professional boundaries in the coaching relationship, including confidentiality. I also completed a 12-month graduate certificate program from the University of Texas at Dallas in Executive and Professional Coaching and am committed to my ongoing learning to support me in being the most useful coach for others, including engaging in my own coaching engagements with my coach. Growing never gets old. It's infinite. 

To determine whether you could benefit from coaching, start by reflecting on what you would expect to accomplish in coaching. When an individual has a fairly clear idea of the desired outcome, a coaching partnership can be a useful tool for developing a strategy for how to achieve that outcome with greater ease. Since coaching is a partnership, ask yourself whether collaboration, other viewpoints, and new perspectives are valued. Also, ask yourself whether you are ready to devote the time and the energy to making real changes. If the answer is yes, then coaching may be a beneficial way to learn and grow.

Read Stories of Greatness

Real coaching clients sharing their stories of transformation.

Find Your Inspiration

In order for us to truly surface our greatness, we must be intentional about connecting with what inspires us. This picture was taken January 2020 in St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands near Point Udall. I found so much inspiration during my two month visit - inspiration that led to increased clarity, creativity and courage. I encourage you to connect with what inspires you. For me, it's  being still and present with the ocean breeze while enjoying the beautiful sound of music. It's being surrounded by my plant babies. It's visualizing my God purposed future and supporting others in their efforts to grow, glow and work through. It's also being around others who I can learn from and with.

Find your inspiration, be inspired, and inspire others!


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